About us

About us

The platform offers the opportunity for Czech business entities to obtain up-to-date information on opportunities for foreign operations and subsequently enter selected markets and jointly implement development projects with a focus on energy and environmental issues. By bringing together members with a wide range of expertise, it aims to build a long-term turnkey service. This, with support from the MoFA and the CRA, can help build the reputation of the Czech Republic and private sector experts in the long term.

Member entities have the opportunity to deepen and broaden the knowledge needed to successfully engage in the development agenda. They can participate in the form of bids for donor development assistance requests to investment projects and business partnerships. Interested parties can participate in the Platform’s expert teams and in the working groups of the national Council for Foreign Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic. We offer members a space to share information and knowledge, conduct training and networking events, and inform members about opportunities to participate in development projects and other international news.

Our objectives

Increase the successful participation of Czech companies in development cooperation projects.
Support long-term investments in developing countries with a favourable position for Czech suppliers of technologies and services.
Promote development cooperation programmes in public-private partnerships.
Facilitate and support Czech official development assistance through communication with other stakeholders
Years of helping in developing countries
Members from Czech companies
Projects around the world

Strategic cooperation

The Czech Development Agency (CRA, CzechAid) is a Czech government agency that carries out tasks in the field of foreign development cooperation (FDC). CRA was established in 2008 as an implementing agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Currently, CRA deals with development projects in 6 priority countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Georgia, Cambodia, Moldova, Zambia) and some specific countries. The FDC is one of the forms of international aid provided by the Czech Republic under the common brand “The Czech Republic Helps”.

Among other things, the CRA cooperates with the PPZRS, which represents the private business sector. Thanks to the support of the CRA, the PPZRS develops its activities with a focus on energy and environmental aspects and thus helps to improve living conditions in a number of less developed countries. The mutual cooperation between the PPZRS and the CRA is a mutually beneficial activity that helps to target the Czech Republic’s foreign development cooperation precisely and effectively.

ČR pomáhá

We provide our members

We speak with one voice in negotiations with the public administration
We connect companies with each other in consortia
We provide members with information service and advisory
We organise seminars with the participation of ministers

Platform Management

Chairman of the Committee

Jaroslav Vích

Chairman of the Committee

Vice-Chairman of the Committee

Karel Petrželka

Vice-Chairman of the Committee

Vice-Chairman of the Committee

Václav Weinfurt

Vice-Chairman of the Committee

Member of the Committee

Marek Šarlej

Member of the Committee

Member of the Committee

Iva Vojtová

Member of the Committee


The foundation was a response to changes in the system of awarding ODA projects and the policy of foreign development cooperation. These changes were supported by the associations, but in order to further support the participation of the Czech business sector it was necessary to create a communication partner for negotiations with the coordinator of Czech development aid, which is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

The private sector therefore has a representative in the Platform in the Council for Foreign Development Cooperation and thus has the opportunity, within the framework of internationally recognized principles of development aid, to defend the interests of entrepreneurs and in a certain way to influence the policy of the Czech development aid in the future.


Do you want to be at the heart of development projects?

Become member!